Project L.I.F.E. Foundation National Office

It takes gas to run a car, wings to keep a bird aloft. In the same way, Project L.I.F.E. Office provides the uplift, the oil, that keeps the 15 programs of Project L.I.F.E. running.

The people who work in the Project L.I.F.E. Office doing the administration aren't here for the money (there is very little!) or for the glory (who comes to take pictures of an accountant?). We're here for the same reason as the staff reaching out to a drug addict, the staff person holding a baby dying of Aids. We're here to help the poor, the needy, the broken, the wounded of this nation find a safe place. A new beginning. A future. If that means doing accounting, we do it. If that means getting visas and work permits for overseas volunteers, we do it. If it means working late, waiting for hours in government offices, doing research, finding funding, solving problems, we do it.

Unseen. We do our part, so others can do their part. That’s how L.I.F.E. comes to Thailand's poor and needy.  That’s what L.I.F.E. is about.

Contact Project L.I.F.E. Foundation National Office

Project L.I.F.E. National Office
Box 5, Thung Setti Post Office
Bangkok 10263

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Project L.I.F.E. National Office
Box 5, Thung Setti Post Office
Bangkok 10263

Love In a Family Environment